Our Story


I have suffered from sensitive skin my whole life and have always struggled to find cosmetic products that work for me.

A few years ago, I discovered that it was the preservatives in the products that I was allergic to.

As a result of this, I set about doing some research to try to discover exactly what preservatives I was reacting to and this led me to complete a diploma in Organic Skin care.

As part of the course I had to follow various recipes to make products and eventually started creating my own formulations.

I hate waste, so I gave away the products that I made to my friends and family. Imagine my surprise when they came back asking for more!

I am a keen gardener, cook and Chemistry teacher.

I created my first hand cream in response to the pandemic. I wanted to do something for the NHS and soon realised that their hands were really suffering from all the hand sanitiser and hand washing that they were doing. A bag full of pots of hand cream were gratefully received at my local hospital.

From this, and lots of research and trials, Comfy Hands was born.

I grow my own Comfrey and Calendula that I dehydrate and distil to create the hydrosols that I use in my products.

I am slowly creating a range of all natural skin care products. The testing required to be able to legally sell my range is a lengthy (and costly) process, so at the moment I am only allowed to sell Comfy Hands which I am pleased to say has passed the assessments required. There are many more products in the pipeline.